How to quit

Get Free Support From Your Local Stop Smoking Service

You’re four times more likely to quit successfully if you use a combination of specialist support from your local stop smoking service as well as stop smoking medication.

Smokefreelife Somerset is your local Stop Smoking Service and provides expert advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good.  Our stop smoking support sessions provide a friendly and empathetic environment to support you through the early stages of quitting smoking.

Find your nearest support session where you can receive support to stop smoking.

Contact us to find out more and to book an appointment.


Digital Support with My Quit Route

Smokefreelife Somerset offers the My Quit Route app as stand-alone or additional support for Somerset residents to help prepare, plan and map their quit attempt. The app means that advice and support is available any time of the day.

Download the app from Google Play or App Store today. Search for ‘My Quit Route’


Book an appointment